Bedside Stories (Hookup Culture Broke My Heart)

I talked to people cross-legged on their living room sofas, in empty art studios, sweaty on bedsheets, while they were in relationships, just after they'd had their heart broken. I try to experience their feelings alongside them, to understand their words and read into the objects they keep in their nightstands; things that are close in intimate moments. I want to know how they feel about casual sex. How do they feel about sharing comfort with someone they barely know or at least have promised no loyalty to? After conversations in pubs with friends, I realised a lot of people didn't really know how they felt about hooking up. Some were traumatised but felt uncomfortable sharing due to fear of backlash whereas others enjoyed it and just assumed everyone felt the same, therefore never feeling the need to discuss it. This is a static support group with the aim of allowing you to either come to terms with your own experiences or to better understand those around you. My publication features ten interviews with young adults living in London who have all participated in hookup culture. Their stories are varied but are honest accounts of how casual sex in our current culture has affected them. Afterwards I realised that some of the interviews strangely fit together. Certain things were recurrently talked about such as earrings or water, and others seemed to directly respond to each other, including two people who both said they felt disgusted by themselves. I combined quotes from various interviews, slightly adjusting them and turning them into a dialogue between a man and woman. The film that resulted from these is a hypothetical conversation between two people who have shagged.