e(MOTION) is about raising awareness for non verbal communication. Our brain is constantly and subconsciously reading body language. This project focuses on how we can involve people to be actively more aware of their surroundings in terms of social interactions.

The project is about provoking responses from the viewer, but most of all seeing how these responses would impact social interactions. Hence, allowing people to make a difference in the 'real world'.
The project follows a communicative structure divided in: 'Visualisation', 'Action' and 'Reaction'. It begins with the 'Visualisation' of body movement, through a performative piece. Dance is used as a medium because both dance and body language use body movement as a communicative tool. The whole choreography is improvised based on how the musical piece makes the performers feel emotionally. Visualising body language takes us to the second phase, 'Action'. The performance seeks to connect with the viewer on an emotional and rational level, activating the so-called 'Mirror Neuron System' that allows the audience to empathise and see themselves in the piece. Finally, in order to provoke a 'Reaction' in the viewer and inspire people to actively raise awareness about the benefits that communicating through body language would bring to society, the design of the project wants the viewer to interact with the showcased outcome through VR goggles. This format shifts the interaction from passive to active. The final video is a commentary on how the project is focused on making people actively aware of body language's potential.

