Environmental Potential for Resilience

The time spent inside a structure, architecture, designed interior and nature, has the potential to shape every moment of our lives. It influences our values, beliefs, mental resources, and inner strength so that we can withstand the pressures in our daily lives and help us to clear the path as we go. In this achievement-oriented society, we face enormous pressure to push ourselves past our limits to achieve our goals and we easily become exhausted in this process. However, our mental strength and willpower are finite, like other precious and depleted resources on Earth. They are not springs that never dry up. Hence, we need to take care of them in a sustainable way. This interior design proposes that all of us should take a pause from the taxing and competitive world that we inhabit and retreat into ourselves to rejuvenate our potential and treat ourselves as we treat others: carefully and generously. I have selected two users, one, a real person with a hoarding disorder, the other, a fictional character who was born on a liner ship where he has lived his entire life, who has a fear of stepping on land.

The environment that surrounds a user has a notable influence on them and their potential. We can predict and design to influence the users with an elaborately mapped out interior design plan and guide a series of activities to be conducted in that space. By ensuring that support is given from the designed environment, individual users can develop resilience to their maximum potential and achieve better results to reach goals and overcome difficulties. Considering this effect of space design, this project aims to enhance users' inner resources and strengths and increase the functional efficiency of space with technologies.
