My Little Peter

Skin, as the most visible, observable, and shareable part of the body, creates a protective bond with the body and provides a more compelling place for study than the inside. Imitating Mary Cover Jones' “little Peter” experiment, which is often used to cure phobias by repeatedly exposing a person with a phobia to a series of stimuli that approximates the feared object. Through the continuous collection of injury stories, desensitisation treatment to overcome injuries has been formed. All the collectors have become My Little Peter.

This object is a body map that can cover the whole body. It has the function of a blanket, like a private shelter. When I met little Peter, it became a map for collecting traces and stories. Each person's body trace is like a landmark, symbolising the story of a moment. No one can leave the world completely. The body map also reflects the traces of people in this era.

An incomplete body is a form of a natural process, not to mention some ordinary appearance. We are afraid to express those seemingly negative body states, but we constantly define and evaluate the ordinary body. The idealised concept of perfection has brought unnecessary pain to many people. Through this project, I set up a treatment to overcome injuries. And people can challenge their idealised views of the body.