Sensual Underground

The object is an interactive screen, that aims to be installed on the platforms of the underground, effectively activating the high-density space and transforming the narrative of waiting into a new ritual for starting or ending people's working day in a mindful way. It induces a sense of nature by combining people's movement reflections with the real-time sky colour palette, creating a sense of escaping from the extremely manmade structures by integrating themselves into the nature above. This sensual experience aims to fulfil people's innate instinct to connect with nature during the hustle and bustle of city life. The sky is a space beyond our physical accessibility, it provides a metaphor for freedom from life on earth. The interaction of hybrid spaces through people's silhouettes, creates a sense of belonging in the part of the city and a sensory connection with the sky through visual languages. This sensual experience poses an impact on people individually and it provides a subjective meaning for themselves. This interaction on the platform activates this vast constructed hub, which enables it to deliver a sense of peace and belonging to the whole society.
