Are you in control of the buttons you are given or are you being controlled by the buttons you are supplied?

The way buttons are fashioned have a huge impact on the behaviour of the user. FOR EXAMPLE: Without the traffic
“WAIT” light coming on or existing with surrounding text OR architecture we would have no idea what that button is implying.

Humans are trusting towards the structure of a society and community, to create or alter one's own buttons could drastically change the way we live.

A button is a symbol of a decision to be made, the materiality of choice fabricated into a system, designed to manipulate a situation usually for better. Buttons are an understatement of how far we have come as humans to simplify and automate moments or actions that we before would see impossible. A button is a stated pathway and convenience tool to help govern control within a situation. Without a system or uncontrollable situation, buttons would be rendered useless.

Have you ever stood in an elevator pushing the close-door button over and over again. Why are we made to believe that button is even affecting the state of the door?

Persistent concerns remain about whether buttons make life too easy, pleasurable, or rote.

How can the modification of everyday control destroy the limitations of a binary on and off life? Changing perspectives of repetitive life control will help people see the possibilities of a more exciting life.

I have created a range of control utilising body gestures that don't conform with the ideologies of conventional activation or convenience. Showing a range of awkward and unsuitable buttons. Through Bluetooth chips I have united disconnected buttons to help people understand the predictable convenience and enhancement of suggested pathways that buttons present today, which are ruining the exploration of a more diversely controlled society.
